The strength of believing
If you don't believe in yourself, nobody will believe you until you prove you were right. If you want something, if you have a dream, don't let anyone discourage you, don't let anyone say "you can't do it". The only thing you have to do is believe in yourself and believe that God is on your side and that he will help you. It is enough to believe. Everything is possible, this is a certainty. Put God first and see miracles happen. This is what happened to me: I am a Cape Verdean, most recently I live in Luxembourg and certainly barriers I had to find in front of me. more difficult. But I believed and I succeeded. I arrived in Europe with a goal, and with the conviction that I was going to achieve it. Regardless of the caveats I encountered ahead, I knew I was going to make it. Framing a job market that you don't know is difficult, but not impossible. When I emigrated I already worked in Cape Verde, in my "Personal Trainer" area, I had several clients, I was well known, for some I had no need to emigrate. But when you have a dream, you have to go after it. Many started saying it will be difficult, you will not be able to frame it because of the language, and you will not even be able to work in your area. "A council for you, if you have a dream, do not say nothing to anyone until you do it, because they will do anything to discourage you. Work in silence, that success will make all the noise. " You are already 1 year here in Europe, and I can say that I am the most accomplished man in this world, because I am married to the woman of my dreams, my home, I have the work of my dreams, in the gym of my dreams, that all because I believed. What I want to tell you, believing has strength, believing makes us realize. When we believe, we believe, and when we believe, we can have, accomplish everything. Focus on the goal, don't let anything stop you, don't let anything discourage you, because God put us in this world to win, to be happy, to be healthy, to have everything we want. Believe because great opportunities come your way